Why DataInsights

‘Price of light is less than cost of darkness’

With more and more organisations embarking on their Digital Transformation journey, importance of data has grown multi-fold. Exploding quantities of data have opened up new avenues of fact-based innovation in organisations, helping them build new ideas supported by data driven insights. The events of COVID pandemic year, has further emphasised role of data in deriving actionable insights and showing us way forward to build a resilient enterprise. Organisations today are hoping to leverage data and analytics linked tools for improving customer satisfaction, enhance operations efficiency, and build a robust future linked strategy. As they move ahead on this path many organisations have invested heavily in analytical tools and talent, promoting adoption of latest technologies linked to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Yet research shows that many Data and Analytics leaders are struggling to build a robust data-driven culture and extract the true value of their investments.

Are you one of those organisation who wants to kick start the digital transformation journey but still grappling with these pertinent questions –

  • How do you unlock the potential of data as an asset?
  • Should you start in a ‘phased’ or a ‘big-bang’ approach?
  • How do we prepare the organisation to ensure success once we embark on this journey?
  • What are the right tools and partners for your organisations needs

At Data Insights, we have assembled a team of experts with strong working experience across several organisations and business domain. Our team of experts have narrowed down 2 major areas of shortcoming – Cultural and Execution.


‘A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding’

While data driven decision-making process and its related advantages are fairly easy to communicate, its harder to introduce a shift in mind set of the employees. How do you encourage decision makers within organisations to use data to form their views and perspectives, rather than relying on popular opinion. Moreover, lack of reliable technology partner (and related execution challenges) has posed further obstacles in building organisation’s confidence and adoption of data driven culture.

At Data Insights we have teams working on host of offerings to tackle this challenge. We have been working with several organisations


‘Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted’

It is not just about data but the right data. Many organisations understand the need for Digital Transformation and have some or other strategy in place. We have observed often focus is more on identifying, acquiring and using data across different business units solving specific singular problems, however there is lack of clear strategy to build an integrated data framework across organisation which fails to provide a holistic view of the business. Moreover, many project teams focus on the underlying technical challenges and ignoring the most important aspect – business outcomes of these projects.

Moreover, it is not enough for businesses to focus on their internal data, rather they need to have an ability to integrate external data thereby helping them with an in-depth analysis and richer insights.

At Data Insights, we work with a mission to help our customers achieve their Digital Transformation goals. Our team of experts have strong experience working across multiple business domains helping customers understand, analyse and manage their data. We believe in addressing every organisation’s unique set of challenges and deliver a personalised solution to address those needs and achieve the objectives of the Digital Transformation initiatives.